Louis-Éric Ouellet

Louis-Éric discovered sailing at the age of 7 with his parents. Every summer, he and his family sailed the St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario for a month. At the age of 10, he completed his first night watch; sitting beside his father, in the middle of Lake Ontario, he then proudly admired the most beautiful sunrise of his youth. His love of nature and the environment comes from these family journeys, which led him to become a wildlife technician then go on to obtain a bachelor's degree in outdoor leadership.

Today, Louis-Éric has his SVOP (small vessel operator) certification and a course in diesel engines under his belt. He has sailed from Niagara Falls to Gaspé, with more than a few detours into the Saguenay Fjord. Very resourceful, he is always willing to pitch in!

Louis-Éric recounts:

During a sailing trip from Tadoussac, near the Toupie, we were surprised by two whales that surfaced, the first one 10 metres in front of our bow and the other right next to us! Our "big" 26-foot boat looked like a toy alongside these majestic beings.

Calm and enthusiastic, Louis-Éric likes to share and impart his knowledge of sailing and its history with his clients. Seeing people spread their wings and progress gives him a satisfaction that pushes him to go even further. Becoming an instructor is what led him to make his first solo outings.

His motto: Hygiene is in the routine and the devil is in the details!

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